Prospective Study About the Use of the Biormediation Technique for the Recovery of Contaminated Soil by Oil Derivatives




Contamination, Environmental Impacts, Soil Recuperation, Sustainability.


Accidents and leaks involving petroleum products greatly affect the environment and the soil is severely damaged. In the search for remediation, biological processes can be used due to promising cost/efficiency ratio, with due consideration of factors such as pH and humidity. Thus, this article aims to report the main factors involved and the types of bioremediation techniques of soils contaminated by oil and its derivatives, as well as the main initiatives with patent generation. Six patent families were identified, with the first application for protection, in Brazil, in 2007, by Rhodia Poliamida & Especialidades, holding the largest patent family deposited in 7 organizations or countries. It is from Brazil the patent for a mobile device, granted for the Institute of Technological Research of the State of São Paulo. In the end, it concludes by the feasibility of applying the technique and the possibility of incremental innovations.


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Author Biographies

José Edilson dos Santos Júnior, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

Civil engineer Professional Master's Student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT/UNIVASF

Vivianni Marques Leite dos Santos, Federal University of São Francisco Valley

chemical engineer MSc Chemical Engineering DSc Chemistry Professor/Coordinator of the Professional Master's Degree in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation


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How to Cite

Sousa, K. C. de, Santos Júnior, J. E. dos, & Santos, V. M. L. dos. (2020). Prospective Study About the Use of the Biormediation Technique for the Recovery of Contaminated Soil by Oil Derivatives . Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(3), 795.



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