Technological Prospection of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) and its Applications with Emphasis in the Brazilian Brewing Market




Hops, Brewing Industry, Technological Prospecting.


Hops are the ingredient used in beer brewing responsible for aromas and bitterness in the beverage. In Brazil it is almost entirely imported. This plant, although used to specific climate regions, has been cultivated in Brazilian soil and has obtained promising results. In light of this, this paper did a technological prospection on what has been researched and developed on hops and their utilization in the brewing process for the last 20 years. It is known that from the moment that Brazilian hops begun to be commercialized; new technologies and processes are required for their proper use. This research showed that the countries with highest beer or hops production invested more in the research and development sector. Other findings of this study included the difficulties for the appropriate insertion of hops cultivated in Brazilian territory to be used by breweries.


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Author Biographies

Bernardo Pontes Guimarães, University of Brasília

Bachelor in Technological Chemistry (2017) from the University of Brasília, Bachelor in progress in Biotechnology and Master in Chemistry (2020) at the same institution.

Rafael Benjamin Werneburg Evaristo, University of Brasília

Bachelor in Technological Chemistry from the University of Brasília (2017). Master in Chemistry from the University of Brasília (2018). PhD student in Chemistry at the University of Brasília.

Grace Ferreira Ghesti, University of Brasília

Bachelor in Chemistry from the University of Brasília (2004). Master in Chemistry from the University of Brasília (2006). Master by the Professional Master's Program in Certified Brewmaster Course Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin, VLB, Germany (2008). PhD in Chemistry from the University of Brasília (2009).


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How to Cite

Guimarães, B. P., Evaristo, R. B. W., & Ghesti, G. F. (2021). Technological Prospection of Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) and its Applications with Emphasis in the Brazilian Brewing Market. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(3), 858.



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