Patent Mapping of Machinery Connected Machines (M2M) and Brazilian Challenges in Agriculture 4.0




Agriculture 4.0, Technological Development, Patent protection.


Agriculture 4.0 refers to a set of cutting-edge technologies integrated and connected through systems and equipment capable of optimizing agricultural production in all its stages. This work aimed to carry out a worldwide technological mapping of patents applications on the subject of machines connected to machines (M2M). A bibliographic research was carried out to identify the challenges presented to the sector, defining the theme of the machines connected to the machines (M2M), to elaborate a prospective study identifying the main players, countries of protection and annual evolution of patent application, using the Questel Orbit tool. A total of 794 patent deposits were found, mainly from 2011, with a peak in 2017. China is the country with the highest amount of patent protection and Japanese companies, the largest assignees of technologies. The results showed that the investment in modernization and technology allows the insertion of more sustainable practices in the agricultural sector.


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Author Biographies

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PhD in Environmental Comfort. Associate Professor I.

Olivan da Silva Rabêlo, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil

Adjunct Teacher II - Department of Administration and Director of Innovation at UFMT. Permanent member of the PROFNIT Professional Master's Faculty and Vice-Coordinator. Leader of the Innovation, Technology and Eco-innovation Research Group. Doctor in Applied Economics (UFPE).


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How to Cite

Santos, C. A. S. A. dos, Durante, L. C., Rabêlo, O. da S., & Albino, J. da S. (2021). Patent Mapping of Machinery Connected Machines (M2M) and Brazilian Challenges in Agriculture 4.0. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(1), 153.



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