Strategies for Interaction in Science and Technology Intitutions and Parana Companies




Innovation, Scientific-Technological Development, University-Company.


The need for innovations has made the university-business partnership a worldwide trend. In this sense, this research aims to analyze the interactions between universities and companies located in the State of Paraná from the perspective of the amount of technological production, the constitution of Technological Innovation Centers (TICs) and the impact on society of the innovations developed. Data collection was performed through a structured questionnaire, prepared from the adaptation of the Form for Information on the Intellectual Property Policy of the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Institutions of Brazil in 2018, from the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications. The results show the existence of effective strategies for the development of innovations in the State, however there is a significant inequality in the maturity of innovation policies in the institutions to infer the development of partnerships between universities and companies and structuring of TICs.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Manosso, State University of Maringa, Maringá, PR, Brazil

Master in the Graduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. Lattes:

Rejane Sartori, Unicesumar, Maringá, PR, Brazil

Teacher of the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT), Focal Point at Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). Professor of the Graduate Program in Knowledge Management in Organizations at Unicesumar. Researcher at the Cesumar Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (ICETI). Lattes:

Hilka Machado, Unicesumar, Maringá, PR, Brazil

Doctorate in Business Administration - University of the West of Santa Catarina UNOESC Master in Knowledge Management - University Center of Maringá UniCesumar.


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How to Cite

Manosso, F., Sartori, R., & Machado, H. (2019). Strategies for Interaction in Science and Technology Intitutions and Parana Companies. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(5), 1052.