Smart Cities: a prospective study internet study (IOT) applied to the urban mobility sector




Technological Prospection, Internet of Things, Urban Mobility.


In an increasingly connected society, impacting technologies emerge in all areas of knowledge. At this juncture, the Internet of Things (IoT) emerges with the principle of interconnecting smart things and devices to a network, which effectively contributes to the tightening of the man-machine relationship. In this context, this article aims to carry out the technological prospection of IoT solutions with potential application to the Urban Mobility sector. For this purpose, a survey of the patents filed in the INPI and PatentInspiration databases, as well as the scientific productions registered in the Capes Journal Portal and in Google Scholar was made. Prospecting indicates a growing national drive to encourage the creation of enabling environments for intelligent equipment development through IoT technology. The results demonstrate the need for monitoring and investments in the development of smart technologies in Brazil to provide innovative solutions to urban problems.


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Author Biography

Josimary Horta de Araujo, Federal Institute of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

Technician in Tourism Agent (1993), Technician in Tourism (1996), professional in Event Production and Organization (2009), graduated in Management Processes (2014), Graduating in Administration (2016), Specialist in Human Resources in the Public Sector ( 2016), Master's Student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (in progress). She is currently an effective federal servant and working in the Selection and Movement Coordination at the Dean of Personnel Management at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará. He has experience in the area of ​​Continuing Education in Administration and Tourism, with emphasis on Finance, Logistics, People Management, Event Organization and Service Management, working mainly on the following topics: Human Rights, Management, Entrepreneurship, Solidarity Economy, Personal Finance, Service Quality, Competitiveness, Motivation and Health in the public service. Develops research in the area of ​​Health and Quality of Life of the Federal Public Servant.


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How to Cite

Araujo, J. H. de, Moreira, E. M. M., Freitas, C. F. de, Castro, F. E. B. de, Araujo, A. L. C. de, & Carvalho, T. V. (2020). Smart Cities: a prospective study internet study (IOT) applied to the urban mobility sector. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(1), 138.



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