Aspects of Technological Appropriation in the Software Market: innovation in the knowledge economy




Software, Technological Innovation, Appropriation.


The software industry is knowledge and technology intensive and has undergone changes from the new context created by the dynamics of information technology. These technologies take the status of innovation and enable ownership, i.e. the capture of tangible and intangible values. The objective of this work is to investigate and describe the mechanisms of appropriation of innovation in the software market. It was conducted a descriptive research in order to point out the features of the software industry and approach to your relationship with the technological appropriation. An important finding is that the mechanisms of appropriation and its benefits only happen in a dynamic context that surrounds the external environment (public and private funding of research and technological demands of the market) and internal (structure of P & D, strategic planning, and human resources). 


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How to Cite

Fonseca, M. L. M. da. (2021). Aspects of Technological Appropriation in the Software Market: innovation in the knowledge economy. Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(1), 255.



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