Scientific and Technological Prospection of the Use of Coconut Oil (Cocos nuciferaL.) in the Food Industry




Nutrition, Functional Food, Innovation.


Coconut oil has become a potential food with nutritional and functional benefits. This study aimed to ascertain the state of knowledge, carrying out a scientific and technological exploration in relation to the use of coconut oil (Cocos nuciferaL.) in the food industry. In order to reach the objectives, it was carried out a survey of the scientific productions of the last decade, as well as its technological development based on the research carried out in databases. There were 1964 patents with coconut oil, but only 3 covered the research requirements. Despite all the positive aspects that the oil presents, it is scarce its use for food production in the food industry. In view of all the evidence presented on the benefits of coconut oil, it is suggested that research with this food be developed in order to bring new studies that promote technological innovation for this food.


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Author Biographies

Talysie Freire Araújo, INTA University Center, Sobral, CE, Brazil

Bachelor of Nutrition

Luis Felipe Alves Sousa, INTA University Center, Sobral, CE, Brazil

Nursing student, monograph seminar monitor.

Denis Frota Guimarães, Alencarina College of Sobral, Sobral, CE, Brazil

Physiotherapy from the University of Fortaleza, Postgraduate degree in Manual & Postural Therapy from the School of Manual and Postural Therapy and in Sports Physiotherapy from the National Society of Sports Physiotherapy. Master in Biotechnology.

Mauro Vinicius Dutra Girão, INTA University Center, Sobral, CE, Brazil

Degree in Biology from the State University Vale do Acaraú - Sobral (2004). He holds a Master's degree in Fisheries Engineering in the area of ​​Fishing Resources and Fisheries Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará - UFC (2007), where he developed studies on Ecology, Management and Molecular Biology of Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas). He is currently a professor at the Health Sciences Center of the Centro Universitário Inta - UNINTA.


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How to Cite

Araújo, T. F., Sousa, L. F. A., Guimarães, D. F., & Girão, M. V. D. (2020). Scientific and Technological Prospection of the Use of Coconut Oil (Cocos nuciferaL.) in the Food Industry. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(3), 875.



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