Analysis of the European Community Horizon 2020 Program: a model for efficiency in innovation financing and in wealth generation?




Public Policies of TC & I, Fostering of Innovation, Horizon 2020 Program.


Given the absence of Brazilian studies on the European Community program Horizon 2020, with a total investment of 81 billion Euros in ST&I between 2014 and 2020, the objective of this work is to analyze the program, from its origin to the present moment, highlighting main characteristics, results, global reach, Brazilian partnerships, as well as its advantages, improvement opportunities, and challenges. The research is documentary, on articles and data collected in the bases of the European Community, being treated in Microsoft Excel, constructing graphs and tables on which descriptive analysis is carried out. Horizon 2020, although encountering difficulties, and achieving only 45% of its budget, has been able to attract huge numbers of proposals from thousands of universities and institutions, covering hundreds of countries, and it is argued that the program serves as a model in the promotion of ST&I for Brazil, suggesting to the research in-depth studies on its methodology.


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Author Biographies

Illyushin Zaak Saraiva, Instituto Federal Catarinense

Teacher of Basic, Technical and Technological Education Specialist in Entrepreneurial Education (UFSJ)

Camilo Freddy Mendoza Morejon, Western Paraná State University

Teacher of the Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering PhD in Mechanical Engineering (UFRJ)

Cláudia Crisóstimo, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste

Teacher of the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation

Paulo Rogério de Pinto Rodrigues, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste

Teacher of the Graduate Program in Chemistry Doctor in Chemistry (USP)


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How to Cite

Saraiva, I. Z. ., Morejon, C. F. M., Crisóstimo, C., & Rodrigues, P. R. de P. (2020). Analysis of the European Community Horizon 2020 Program: a model for efficiency in innovation financing and in wealth generation? . Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(5), 1341.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento