Technological Prospection for Verification of Patentability Potential of Food Formulated with Products from Estévia




Technological prospection, Cereal bar, Stevia.


Scientific studies on the extract of the Stevia rebaudiana plant have aroused great interest as a source of natural sweeteners of high intensity and also have important nutritional properties. Considering the growing acceptance in the market of cereal bars, was developed at the State University of Maringá, diet cereal bar sweetened with stevia leaf pre-treated with ethanol. Food of low caloric, nutritious, practical and with good sensory acceptance, with great potential to confer competitive advantages for companies of the food sector. The objective of this work was to realize technological prospection to verify the patentability potential of the developed product. The technological prospection was realized in: INPI patent base and Derwent Innovations Index, base of scientific articles Scielo and Scopus; and Google website, resulting in non-compromise of product novelty. It was understood by the fulfillment of the requirements inventive activity and industrial application, possessing patentability potential.


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Author Biographies

Patrícia de Carvalho Kimura, State University of Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil

Graduated in Law from the State University of Maringá. Postgraduate degree “lato sensu” in Family Law and Succession from the IBMEC São Paulo Faculty (Damásio Law Institute). Master's student at PROFNIT – Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation – Focal Point: State University of Maringá. Postgraduate student "lato sensu" in Criminal Procedural Law at Faculdade IBMEC São Paulo (Instituto Damásio de Direito).

Sandra Beserra da Silva, State University of Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil

She holds a degree in Food Technology from the State University of Maringá (2011), a Master's degree in Bioenergy (2016) and is currently a doctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Food Sciences at the same university. He has experience in the Food field, with emphasis on ultrasound-assisted vegetable oil extraction and physicochemical characterization of vegetable oil. He works mainly on the following topics: Physical-Chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis of foods and development of new diet products.

Silvio Claudio da Costa, State University of Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil

Graduated in Chemistry from the State University of Maringá (UEM), Master and Doctor in Biochemistry from the Federal University of Paraná. Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and coordinator of Nepron (Nucleus of Studies in Natural Products) at UEM, which develops processes for the extraction and purification of natural products, executes extension projects for companies in the development of new processes and products and serves undergraduate and postgraduate students. -graduation in research with innovation. Coordinator of Profnit-UEM: Professional Master's in NATIONAL NETWORK. Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. He teaches Food Biochemistry and Membrane Separation Methods and coordinates the mandatory supervised internship in the Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry. He works as a professor in the Graduate Program in Food Sciences and guides master's and doctoral students in the area of ​​new product development. GPS Leader - Stevia Research Group at CNPq. Representative of Brazil in the American Stevia Federation. Counselor of the NIT - Nucleus of Technological Innovation of UEM with active participation in the elaboration of opinions regarding the feasibility of patent deposits and in the representation of UEM in technological innovation fairs. Member of CIBIT - Institutional Committee for Technological Development and Innovation Scholarships. He develops research in partnership with companies that invest in technological innovation, having coordinated the research that resulted in the development of a stevia cultivar with a high content of rebaudioside-A (Stevia UEM-320) and in the transfer of technology to the company Stevmax. Currently, he develops research in partnership with Cocamar and Lightsweet and coordinates projects aimed at obtaining stevia varieties with low sterebin content and the development of third-generation stevia extracts.


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How to Cite

Kimura, P. de C., Silva, S. B. da, & Costa, S. C. da. (2019). Technological Prospection for Verification of Patentability Potential of Food Formulated with Products from Estévia. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(4), 890.



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