Transfer of Technology, Patents and Innovation at the Federal University of Tocantins: a Case Study




Technological Transfer, Tocantins. Patent, Innovation.


The Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) has been working in patent filing since 2011, with the creation of its Office of Technological Innovation (OTI). In 2018, after creating its patent portfolio, it was challenged by the Technology Transfer (TT) phase. It was then realized that it would be necessary to analyze all the internal and external conditions of the academic institution, considering the weaknesses and strengths. Thus, the objective of this paper would be to propose strategic actions that favored TT. Therefore, we used an exploratory, explanatory, descriptive and bibliographic research methodology that included, besides the bibliographic survey and the research in the patent database of INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), a technical visit to the UFT OTI where It was possible to describe the available physical and normative structure, the bureaucratic procedures and its predisposition to new strategic actions. The main conclusions were that improvements would need to be made to encourage the development and design of new technologies more suited to market needs, improve the patent drafting system, improve the patent filing process, step up and support actions. characterized with regard to activities related to a model closer to what would be a Technology Innovation and Dissemination Agency and, finally, the need for the construction of a more robust strategic planning aiming at favoring Technology Transfer.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antônio Baleeiro Alves, Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas, TO, Brazil

He has a LIC degree. Chemistry from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG - 2005), Specialization in Innovation Agents (UFT - 2007), Master's in Agroenergy from the Federal University of Tocantins Foundation (UFT - 2010). Chemist at the Federal University of Tocantins since March 2006, he was the creator and Manager of the Laboratory Supply Management Center at UFT (NUGE LAB) where he worked in the preparation of bidding processes for laboratory purchases and preparation of reports and technical opinions in the area of ​​Chemistry. He was Director of the Technological Innovation Center at UFT from 2013 to 2016. He worked on the writing, design and process of a dozen patent filings at UFT, until he was linked to OPAJE (Observatory of Applied Research to Journalism and Teaching) currently . He is one of the authors of the project in co-authorship with Professor Dr. Francisco Gilson Rebouças Porto Junior for the creation of the Postgraduate Course (Lato Sensu Specialization) in Strategic Management of Innovation and Scientific and Technological Policy (having been Coordinator of the first group of this Specialization Course), and also co-responsible for articulating the implementation of the PROFNIT Master's through FORTEC (NATIONAL FORUM OF TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION MANAGERS) at the University Campus of UFT in Palmas TO. Currently Coordinator and one of the creators of the Specialization in Strategic Management of Innovation and Scientific and Technological Policy. Has experience in the areas: Teaching in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry. He is an inventor and consultant in Patents, Priority Search Reports, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation with a focus on Environmental Clean-up Technologies and Environmental Conservation.

Gabriel Machado Santos, Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas, TO, Brazil

Graduated in Economic Sciences at UFT - Federal University of Tocantins (2018). He has a second degree in Accounting from the ITOP College (2015). Has a Specialization in Innovation at UFT - Federal University of Tocantins (2017). He has experience in the areas of Economics, Finance, Innovation, Teaching, Administration, Accounting and Consulting.

Marcos Antônio Dozza, Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas, TO, Brazil

Graduated in Economic Sciences from the Social Studies Foundation of Paraná; Master's in Business Administration from the State University of Santa Catarina. Experience in the following subjects: corporate finance, investment valuation, monetary economics, international economics and management accounting.

Francisco Gilson Rebouças Pôrto Júnior, Federal University of Tocantins, Palmas, TO, Brazil

Francisco Gilson Rebouças Pôrto Júnior holds a PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture from the Faculty of Communication of the Federal University of Bahia (FACOM-UFBA), a Master's in Education from the Faculty of Education (PPGE-UnB) and a degree in Social Communication/Journalism, Pedagogy, History and Letters. He carried out post-doctoral studies/visiting professor at the Universities of Coimbra (UC-Portugal), Cádiz (UCA, Spain), Brasília (FAC-UnB) and UNESP (UNESP-SP). He is currently coordinator of the Research and Extension Center and the Lattes Observatory Group for Research Applied to Journalism and Teaching (OPAJE-UFT) and of the Research, Teaching and Extension Center for Information, Communication and Memory (INFO-UFT). He is a professor at the Fundação Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), at the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Society (PPGCOM-UFT) and at the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation (PROFNIT-UFT). He is a Collaborating Researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20) at the University of Coimbra (UC-Portugal). Coordinates research in journalism education, formation and preservation of memory. Research on training, teaching and educational processes in Brazil, the European Union, CPLP/PALOPS and BRICS.


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How to Cite

Alves, M. A. B., Santos, G. M., Dozza, M. A. ., & Pôrto Júnior, F. G. R. . (2019). Transfer of Technology, Patents and Innovation at the Federal University of Tocantins: a Case Study. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(5), 1257.