Prospective Study on Medicine Preparations of Green Tea




Camellia Sinensis, Medicinal Preparations, Therapeutic Property.


Green tea is considered the second most popular and healthy drink since antiquity, second only to water. Thus, the present study aims to conduct a technological prospection on patents that address the therapeutic properties of green tea for human health. The searches were performed through the Espacenet , INPI and Patentscope patent database in June 2018 under the word green tea and code A61K36 / 82. The number of patent filings per year, it is possible to see an increase (even with some fluctuations) in the number of filings over the years. South Korea, the US and China are the countries with the most patents. Regarding the therapeutic applications of developed green tea patents, it is noted that dermatological treatment is the most outstanding, followed by treatment for overweight and treatment of metabolic diseases.


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Author Biographies

Mariane dos Santos Gonçalves, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Nutritionist graduated from the Federal University of Bahia and a Master's student in Food Science at the same institution. She works as a researcher in the Nutrition, Nervous and Immune System Group of the experimental nutrition laboratory at the School of Nutrition at the Federal University of Bahia, focusing on the following topics: Metabolic programming, high-fat diet, pregnancy and lactation. He has worked in research with Molecular Biology and Epidemiology and has been a fellow of the scientific initiation program for 3 years (PIBIC/FAPESB) Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 1530368194035622

Ana Paula Azevedo Macêdo, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Nutritionist graduated from the Federal University of Bahia. Master's student in Food Science at the Federal University of Bahia. She works as a volunteer researcher in the Nutrition, Nervous and Immune System Research Group of the Experimental Nutrition Laboratory of the School of Nutrition at the Federal University of Bahia, focusing on the following topics: metabolic programming, phenotypic plasticity and high-fat diet. He was a fellow of the scientific initiation program (PIBIC) for three years. In addition, he has experience in the field of clinical and sports nutrition through outpatient care. Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 7353664905550374

Janice Druzian Izabel, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

She holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1984), a Master's in Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1988) and a PhD in Food Science from the State University of Campinas (2000). He is currently Associate Professor IV at the Federal University of Bahia, permanent professor and vice-coordinator of the Master's course in Food Science at FAR/UFBA, permanent professor at the Doctorate of Chemical Engineering at UFBA and RENORBIO. Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 6698870294710432

Ricardo David Couto, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Graduated in Pharmacy (1998), Qualification in Pharmacy-Biochemistry, Clinical Analysis and Public Health (2000), UFBA; He completed his Master's and Doctorate in Pharmacy (Clinical Analysis), USP/SP (2000 - 2005). He did postdoctoral studies at the Pathology and Bio-Intervention (LPBI) and Tissue Engineering and Immunopharmacology (LETI) laboratories at FIOCRUZ-BA (2007-2008). He is currently Associate Professor III at UFBA. Has experience in the area of ​​Laboratory Diagnosis of Diseases, with emphasis on validation and development of diagnostic tests, lipoproteins, human and experimental atherosclerosis; it also works in research with assessment of chemical-environmental, food and human risk. He is currently a Professor of the Postgraduate Programs: Biotechnology in Health and Investigative Medicine - PgBSMI-FIOCRUZ-BA (Collaborator; CAPES Level 6); of the Graduate Program in Pharmacy (Permanente, PPGFAR; CAPES, Level 4) ? Researcher in the Laboratory Diagnosis of Diseases, and in the Graduate Program in Food Sciences (Permanente, PGALI, CAPES, Level 4), both at the Faculty of Pharmacy at UFBA; is the supervisor of Masters and Doctoral programs in the aforementioned Programs. Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 9320666442334093

Jairza Maria Barreto Medeiros, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

holds a degree in Nutrition from the Federal University of Bahia (1993), a Masters in Nutrition from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1998) and a PhD in Nutrition from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2004). Associate Professor III at the Federal University of Bahia, she served as deputy head of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at UFBA (2007-2008) and as coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Food, Nutrition and Health at UFBA (2009-2010). Coordinator of the Nutrition, Nervous and Immune System Research Group. Has experience in Nutrition, with emphasis on Clinical and Experimental Nutrition, working mainly on the following topics: metabolic programming, serotonin, malnutrition, development, food consumption and nutritional assessment. Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 6674302443921098


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, M. dos S., Macêdo, A. P. A., Izabel, J. D., Couto, R. D., & Medeiros, J. M. B. (2020). Prospective Study on Medicine Preparations of Green Tea. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(3), 823.



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