View of the Supermarket Sector in Relation to Products with Record of Indicação de Procedência dos Vales da Uva Goethe




Consumer Behavior, Supermarkets, Geographical Indication.


The Vales da Uva Goethe is a Grape and Wine producing region located in the south of Santa Catarina, comprising eight municipalities. In 2012, he won the Indicação de Procedência dos Vales da Uva Goethe. The present study aimed to identify the vision of the supermarket sector in relation to the wines produced with the record of Indication of Origin of Goethe Grapes in the city of Criciúma - SC. Methodologically, it was characterized as a descriptive research, regarding the ends and field research as to the means of investigation. The target population was delimited by the supermarkets of the city of Criciúma-SC, characterized by sommeliers or responsible for buying wines from the establishment. It has been found that sommeliers know what Geographical Indication is, unlike consumers. The wines and sparkling wines of the Goethe Grape Vales are sold in 50% of the supermarkets. Although the consumption of national wines grows, the consumer has preference for the imported ones, mainly the chileans.


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Author Biographies

Arthur Coan, University of Extremo Sul Catarinense, Criciúma, SC, Brazil

Bachelor of Business Administration from Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense.

Adriana Carvalho Pinto Vieira, National Institute of Science and Technology in Public Policy Strategies and Development, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Graduated in Law from the State University of Ponta Grossa (1993), Master in Law from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (1999) and PhD in Economic Development from the State University of Campinas (2009) and was part of the doctorate with Santander Scholarship, at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid / Escuela UPM, with guidance from professors Prof. Ignacio Trueba, Julián Briz and Isabel de Felipe. He completed a Post-Doctorate in Scientific and Technological Policy at the Institute of Geosciences at the State University of Campinas (2012), with a Capes PNPD Scholarship. Postdoctoral fellow at the Agribusiness and Development Program at the Julio de Mesquita Filho State University, Tupã Campus (2018/2019), with a Capes PNPD scholarship. He is currently a collaborating researcher at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro for the INCT/PPED project. He is the leader of the Research Group registered with CNPq called Intellectual Property, Development and Innovation (PIDI). She is a collaborator of the Research Group on Management and Strategy in International Business (GENINT), led by MSC Júlio Cesar Zilli and a collaborator of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Intellectual Property ? GIPPI, whose leader is prof. Dr. Kelly Lissandra Bruch / UFRGS. He is a member of the Brazilian Society of Economics, Sociology and Rural Administration (SOBER). He has experience in Law and Administration, working mainly on the following subjects: intellectual property system, geographical indication, legal studies (consumer law), innovation management, family succession, agribusiness, food chains and biotechnology, foreign trade and international business. He is a member of the advisory board and editorial board of the following journals: Anais Workshop de Comércio Exterior, Revista Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico em Debate and Editora da Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Member of the Commission for Special Studies on Geographical Indications of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms ? ABNT/SEBRAE. Member of the Regulatory Council for the Indication of Origin of the Goethe Grape Valleys. Orcid -

Michele Domingos Schneider, University of Extremo Sul Catarinense, Criciúma, SC, Brazil

She holds a degree in Business Administration from Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (2003) and a master's degree in SOCIOECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT from Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (2016). He is currently a professor at the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense. He has experience in the area of ​​Administration, with emphasis on business logistics, working mainly on the following topics: distance education, logistics, education, management and competitiveness.

Julio Cesar Zilli, University of Extremo Sul Catarinense, Criciúma, SC, Brazil

PhD student in Engineering and Knowledge Management at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Master in Socioeconomic Development (2015), MBA in Business Management (2003), Specialization for Higher Education (2007) at the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC) and Graduated in Accounting Sciences (1997) from the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Author of book chapters, scientific articles published in journals and proceedings of national and international congresses/seminars/symposia. As a professor, experience in the Undergraduate Courses in Administration and Foreign Trade at UNESC and Escola Superior de Criciúma (ESUCRI) involving the subjects of Customs Legislation, International Logistics, International Transport and Insurance, Export and Import Management Practices, International Negotiations, Strategic Administration , Introduction to Foreign Trade, Research Project and Course Work (TCC). In graduate school, professor of the MBA in Foreign Trade and International Business/UNESC, Business Logistics/UNESC and Production Management/UNOCHAPECÓ. Organizer of the Ebooks Contemporary Perspectives on Administration and Foreign Trade/UNESC and Strategies of Management and Foreign Trade: the challenges of the globalized world of the 21st century. Coordinator and Editor of the Journal that includes the Annals of the Southern Santa Catarina Congress of Administration and Foreign Trade/UNESC and of the SICAD Program (Integrated Simulation of Management Knowledge)/UNESC. Member of the Teaching Nucleus Structure (NDE) of the Administration-Foreign Trade Course/UNESC. Leader of the Research Group Management and Strategy in International Business - GENINT / UNESC and collaborating professor of the Research Groups Engineering of Integration and Governance of Knowledge (UFSC) and of the Study Group Intellectual Property in an interdisciplinary perspective (UFRGS). In the business management of companies in the ceramic and agro-industrial sector, a professional with experience in all areas related to international trade (commercial, logistics, financial and documentary) with emphasis on the markets of Europe, Asia and Africa. He has experience in the area of ​​Administration, with an emphasis on Foreign Trade, working mainly on the following topics: foreign trade, international business, port management, strategy, competitiveness, innovation, development, government policies, governance and multilevel governance.


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How to Cite

Coan, A., Vieira, A. C. P., Schneider, M. D., & Zilli, J. C. (2021). View of the Supermarket Sector in Relation to Products with Record of Indicação de Procedência dos Vales da Uva Goethe . Cadernos De Prospecção, 14(1), 312.



Indicações Geográficas