Systematization of a Model of Technological Prospection With the Spacenet and Iramuteq Tools: application to the bank of green patent data of the phosphorus element




Technology prospecting, Espaceteq, Green patents.


This research seeks to systematize a model with open source tools to assist researchers, technology transfer workshops, startups, universities, companies and other institutions in the construction of textual data mining and technology patents prospecting. For this, we developed a software called Espaceteq to contribute in “key words” grouping, classification and analysis of the associations through graphical and numerical reports taken from the researched database. This system can be operated offline/online and in various operating systems: Unix, Windows and OS. Finally, it is a medium-sized software, operating with over 10,000 records.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, T. C., Cajavilca, E. S. R., & Santos, A. T. (2019). Systematization of a Model of Technological Prospection With the Spacenet and Iramuteq Tools: application to the bank of green patent data of the phosphorus element. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(3), 563.



Prospecções Tecnológicas de Assuntos Específicos