Study and Technological Monitoring of the Effluent Treatment by Eletrocoagulation
Electrocoagulation, Water treatment, Aluminum.Abstract
This paper addresses a study of the technological monitoring of electrocoagulation, using patents as sources of information. In order to collect information, the Questel Orbit® a private database was use applying the key words for the searches: "electrocoagulation", "water treatment" and "aluminum", in that was find and used fifty-six patent documents. Macro, meso and micro analyzes are carried out with the objective of analyzing the main technological characteristics related to the treatment of liquid effluents by electrocoagulation. The main application mentioned to electrocoagulation occurs in the area of removal of contaminants and inert electrodes with fifteen and sixteen patents respectively. Other important areas are those of electrocoagulation reactors with nine patents and that of precipitation with six documents. Among the technologies related to electrocoagulation, the ones that stood out most were wastewater treatment and modification of the anode and/or cathode, accounting for 51.43% of the total of the analyzed documents.
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