Prospective and Technological Study of Syngas Generation Using Catalysis




Biogas, Catalysis, Forecast.


With an awareness of global warming, rising prices and fuel shortages, alternative sources of energy are needed. Substitution is a biomass, which presents a large amount of energy lost during the decomposition process. Biogas is an abundant source of energy, non-polluting, cheap and non-competing for space with other crops or food production. Thus, the work aims to present a prospective study that portrays the research stage in the area. These were the word combinations for the study: "biogas", "syngas" and "syngas and cataly *". The work as research on the system and low schooling have a long nature and a technological incentive in the area of incentive in several countries.


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Author Biography

Camila Lisdalia Dantas Ferreira, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Assistant Teacher of the International Relations course - FAJS.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, M. G., Ghesti, G. F., & Ferreira, C. L. D. (2018). Prospective and Technological Study of Syngas Generation Using Catalysis. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(5), 1684.