Industrial Property in Alagoas: an Analysis of Market Deposits in Alagoas




Brand, Industrial Property, Alagoas.


This article proposes to show the relevant aspects about trademark registration in Brazil and, especially, the Alagoan panorama. The central objective of this study is to analyze the data that permeates the applications for trademark registration in the state of Alagoas and questions about the competitiveness of organizations and the fundamental role of the brand for the development of the company and the environment in which it is inserted. For the development of the research were used as materials of the most diverse types, such as statistical reports, manuals of procedures, legal texts and works focused on the theme, after analysis of the national and regional conjuncture, an analysis of them was carried out with the purpose of demonstrating aspects mentioned above. It is concluded that the advance in the protection of trademarks in Alagoas becomes evident, given the investments and actions of the market, making clear the idea of ​​competitiveness, where the brand is used as a fundamental parameter above simple protection.


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Author Biography

Andreia RodriguesFerreira Baro, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceio, AL, Brazil

Business administrator with a degree in Foreign Trade, specialist in Higher Education Methodology, specialist in Public Management, Master in Educational Sciences and a Law student.


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How to Cite

Baro, A. R., & Amorim, J. F. O. de. (2019). Industrial Property in Alagoas: an Analysis of Market Deposits in Alagoas. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(1), 204.



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