Intensive Cities in Innovation – An Analysis of the Electronetronic Sector and the Relationship with the Sextule Propeller of the White Duck Innovation Network in Paraná


  • Cesar Giovani Colini State University of the Midwest, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.
  • Vanessa Ishikawa Rasoto State University of the Midwest, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.
  • Silvestre Labiak Junior State University of the Midwest, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.



Sixth Propeller, Intensive City, Innovation.


Understanding that cities are fundamental elements in the innovative development of a region and there are several actors who can be active in their interactions. This article aims to understand the relationship between actors of the Sixth Propeller of the municipal innovation ecosystem in Pato Branco in Paraná and analyze actions of public policies aimed at fostering innovation in the productive sector, enhancing local entrepreneurship. The methodology adopted in this work is characterized by a case study, based on the documentary survey and interpretative analyzes correlating the theory of innovative cities with the practices identified in the city studied. The results show that the interaction between actors favors the economic development of the city, through the public / private relationship and the organization of the local innovation network, mainly through the integrated action of the institutions that make up the municipal Sixth City Helix focused on the development of companies of electronics, making the city more innovative.


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Author Biographies

Cesar Giovani Colini, State University of the Midwest, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

He is currently manager of the Paraná Micro and Small Business Support Service - SEBRAE/PR. Master's student UNICENTRO/PROFNIT in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation, MBA in Management and Tax Law from Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER (2017), MBA in International Business Administration from UNINTER (2015), MBA in Entrepreneurship from Universidade Positivo (2010) , graduated in Accounting Sciences from FESP Curitiba (2001). He was Manager of the Regional Innovation System project in the Southwest region of Paraná with permanent action in Regional Innovation public policies. Innovation and technology project manager for Software and Startup companies. Business Consultant specializing in business management, innovative business modeling Startups, technical and economic feasibility studies, production processes, process improvements for Certifications. Experience in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Administration, with emphasis on Technology, Management and Innovative Entrepreneurship. Elaboration of structuring projects for fundraising. Planning work aimed at organizing sectors and production chains. Development of studies, analysis of elements and indicators and inputs for the elaboration of strategic plans for Territorial and Regional Development.

Vanessa Ishikawa Rasoto, State University of the Midwest, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

PhD in Production Engineering - Business Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006). Master's in Business Administration from the Federal University of Paraná (1999). Graduated in Business Administration from the Catholic Faculty of Business and Economics (1993).

Silvestre Labiak Junior, State University of the Midwest, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil.

He has been a professor at the Federal Technological University of Paraná-UTFPR since 1989. With a PhD in Engineering and Knowledge Management - EGC / UFSC (2012) and Business Post-Doctorate at TEKIS Advanced Technologies (FAPESC / CAPES / UFSC, 2015), Master's in Technology and Development - PPGTE / UTFPR (2004), Degree in Environmental Chemical Technology from UTFPR (2001) and Mechanical Technician from CEFET-PR. In Academic Management, he served as: Pro-Rector of Extension, Research and Innovation at the Federal Institute of Paraná - IFPR (2012 - 2014), Deputy Pro-Rector of Business and Community Relations at UTFPR (2004 - 2008). He is an Advisory Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Technology and Society - PPGTE, working in the Technology and Development area, in the area of ​​Regional Systems of Innovation. He teaches in Mechanical Engineering the subjects of Entrepreneurship, Sources of Fostering Innovation, Research Methodology and Business and Industrial Projects. In the interaction with the productive sector, it works with: Advisory, Consultancy and lectures in the areas of Innovation Habitats, Regional Innovation Systems, Sources of Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is currently an Evaluator Researcher at CNPq.


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How to Cite

Colini, C. G., Rasoto, V. I., & Labiak Junior, S. (2018). Intensive Cities in Innovation – An Analysis of the Electronetronic Sector and the Relationship with the Sextule Propeller of the White Duck Innovation Network in Paraná. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(3), 830.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento