Technological Prospection on Methods of Control of Aedes aegypti


  • Sidnei Cerqueira dos Santos Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Nova Marabá, PA, Brazil
  • Lorena Carmem M. Paz Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Nova Marabá, PA, Brazil
  • Matheus Oliveira Assunção Lima Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Nova Marabá, PA, Brazil



Diseases, Life Cycle, Chemical.


Aedes Aegypti has become a major public health problem in several countries, being the transmitting agent of Dengue virus, Chikungunya virus, Zika virus. Because of this problem, several chemical, mechanical and biological mosquito control methods are being developed and protected in patent form. The aim of this work was to carry out the survey of technological data to identify the methods of control of Aedes Aegypti. The research was carried out at the databases of the European Patent Office and the National Institute of Industrial Property. Brazil was the largest patent holder on the research topic. Chemical methods are the most used and studied, but the chemical components of these present risks to the environment and public health. Biological and mechanical methods are the most indicated, but they are difficult to perform.


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Author Biographies

Sidnei Cerqueira dos Santos, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Nova Marabá, PA, Brazil

Faculty of Biology, Institute of Health and Biological Studies; Microbiology, Mycology, Biotechnology

Lorena Carmem M. Paz, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Nova Marabá, PA, Brazil

Faculty of Biology, Institute of Health and Biological Studies

Matheus Oliveira Assunção Lima, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Nova Marabá, PA, Brazil

Faculty of Biology, Institute of Health and Biological Studies


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How to Cite

Santos, S. C. dos, Paz, L. C. M., & Lima, M. O. A. (2019). Technological Prospection on Methods of Control of Aedes aegypti. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(1), 105.



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