Prospective Study About the Use of coconut fruit as as Raw Material for the Manufacture of Cosmetics




Coconut, Cosmetics, Prospection.


The coconut is considered a fruit of great socioeconomic importance, with multifunctionality as it is a source of raw material for various industrial sectors such as agroindustries, textiles, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Although it has the potential of total utilization of the fruit, its uses are still related to the alimentary area. Thus, this study aims to carry out a survey of patent information related to coconut in its use as raw material for the manufacture of cosmetics. Using the Orbit Intelligence patent search base, it was noticed that Asian countries lead the ranking of investments in this area and that although Brazil is considered a major coconut producer and also has a suitable geographic area, it still needs large investments to implement production directed to the area of ​​cosmetics. 


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Author Biographies

Isabella Sampaio, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Isabella Sampaio is a Master's student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation PROFNIT/UFBA, Bachelor in International Relations from Faculdades Integradas da Bahia FIB (2004) and in Business Administration from UNIFACS (2017.2); Participant of the research group NPAI - Nucleus of Applied Research and Innovation - UNEB. Specialist in International Politics and Economics from the Centro Universitário da Bahia - FIB (2005) and in Strategic Planning from the State University of Bahia - UNEB (2006). He holds a postgraduate degree in Distance Education: Management and Tutoring, from the Leonardo Da Vinci University Center. He took the Higher Education Methodology and Teaching Technique course at Faculdade Visconde de Cairu (2008). She is currently president of Associação Amigos da Vida (a non-profit organization based in the municipality of Lauro de Freitas), where she has been volunteering since 2005. She is the owner of the company Notable teacher and coordinator of courses at the company Vilastech Informática.

Solange Ferreira, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Graduated in Economics from the Catholic Faculty of Economic Sciences of Bahia (1993), Executive MBA in Strategic Marketing from the Faculty of Management Sciences of Bahia / Inter-American Development Center (CENID / Business School). Professional Master's in progress in the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT/ UFBA. Worked as Coordinator of Operational Units at SESI /DR/BA, in the Supply Management of the FIEB System in the area of ​​Bidding. Administrative Process Supervisor at the Pedro Ribeiro Industrial Technology Center - CETIND and at other SENAI/BA Units and as Adm Analyst at SENAI/CETIQT (RJ) in the Engineering Coordination. Chemistry. Served in the General Directorate of the UNIRB Network in the Regulation of Higher Courses. He has experience in the areas of Administration (Finance, Procurement, Bidding, Budget and Planning), Market Relations and Information Management, Regulation of Higher Education Courses.

Paulo Juiz, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Post-doctorate in Pharmacy - UFBA . PhD in biotechnology (UEFS/FIOCRUZ-BA). Sandwich Doctorate from the Università Degli Studi di Ferrara - Italy. He has a Masters in Immunology from the Federal University of Bahia. Specialization in Molecular Biology applied to forensic medicine (UNEB), Specialization in microbiology (UFBA). He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia. Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. Member of the Brazilian Society of Microbiology. Member of the Brazilian Society of Pharmacognosy. Coordinator of the Ethics Committee in Research with Human Beings at UFRB. Manager of the Coordination of Creation and Innovation at UFRB. Legal Representative of UFRB at the National Forum Association of Managers of Innovation and Technology Transfer (FORTEC)


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How to Cite

Sampaio, I., Ferreira, S., & Juiz, P. (2019). Prospective Study About the Use of coconut fruit as as Raw Material for the Manufacture of Cosmetics. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(2), 314.



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