Prospection of Technologies in Chatbots




Technological Prospecting, Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence.


To keep up with the new demands of the market and remain competitive, companies are committed to change and implement new technologies to interact with their customers. The chatbots have brought a new solution when it comes to narrowing the relationship with the user through a more dynamic interaction. Thus this article, through prospecting based on scientific articles surveyed in the CAPES Platform and search for patents through the search and analysis system Orbit Intelligence, carried out the mapping and analysis of technologies in chatbots. It was possible to identify the countries with the greatest interest in that matter, the increase in the number of patents and scientific publications since 2016, as well as a change in the focus of technologies on requested patents. The conclusion was that the technologies in chatbots are arousing the interest of the inventors and researchers, in order to broaden their capacity of interaction and evidencing their market potential.


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How to Cite

Moura, M. P. L., Rodrigues, M. E. dos S., Comin, R. P., & Rocha, W. de J. S. da F. (2019). Prospection of Technologies in Chatbots. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(3), 550.



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