Patent Technological Prospecting Related to the Preservation of Animals and their Parts




Patent, Preservation, Technological Prospecting.


The evolution of human knowledge, concerning the study of terrestrial fauna, requires actions, involving animal experimentation, triggering the needs of searching for innovative technologies for their preservation. This article aims to map the main applications for patents in the world, related to the preservation of animals and their parts and to identify which technologies it involves, preservation of the museum collection. Methodologically, were combined research in the Portal of CAPES Periodicals and patenting in the Espacenet, between the period 2000 to 2018. The results showed that the largest depositors are the United States (US), China (CN) and directly in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). The technologies involved in the preservation of animals and their parts presented the following cooperative patent classifications: C12N1/14, A01N1/02, A61K38/00, A01N3/00, A61K38/45, A23L3/3463 and A61K31 / 4178, involving preservation of museum collection: A01N1 / 00 and A01N1 / 02. It was concluded that this is a broad subject, with vast field for technological development, but still little explored in the world.


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Author Biography

Samira Abdallah Hanna, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Intellectual property


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How to Cite

Santos, D. da P. C. F. dos, & Hanna, S. A. (2018). Patent Technological Prospecting Related to the Preservation of Animals and their Parts. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(5), 1612.