The Relation Between Chemical Industry and the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector in the Circular Economy Context




Circular Economy, Chemical industry, Fast moving consumer goods sector.


Circular Economy is an alternative production and service model, which waste becomes new resources, maintaining utility and value at the largest numbers of possible cycles. Thus, this work presents case studies of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector related to the Circular Economy and Chemical Industry, identified among 57 cases selected in a descriptive and exploratory search worldwide in the Case Studies platform of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and other sources correlated to the Circular Economy in last ten years. Based on the proposed categorization of the selected cases, it was possible to identify synergies of the circular actions in the technical and reverse cycle of the Circular Economy and more concentrated impacts in the petrochemical and plastics industry sectors, upstream and downstream of the Chemical Industry, due to the redesign incentive of plastic packaging and the application of reverse logistics in this production chain.


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How to Cite

Tavares, A., Borschiver, S., & Ferreira, T. (2018). The Relation Between Chemical Industry and the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Sector in the Circular Economy Context . Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(4), 1030.



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