Attitudes, Skills and Aspirations in the Ecosystem of Entrepreneurship of Latin America
Global Entrepreneurship Index, Attitudes, Skills, Aspirations, Latin American Entrepreneurship Ecosystem.Abstract
The debate on the entrepreneurship ecosystem has been intensifying in several countries, including in Latin American countries. The identification of the main bottlenecks, based on the indices that measure the innovative entrepreneurial environment, allow the countries established in relation to the specific policies for the promotion and strengthening of their ecosystems. This paper aims at an approximation between attitudes, skills and entrepreneurial aspirations in Latin America between 2014 and 2018. Data were collected in reports from the Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) and the World Bank. They were also statistic of correlation and correlation test. In summary, it is possible to identify the presence of a significant and positive relationship between attitudes, skills and aspirations in the Latin American entrepreneurship ecosystem.
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