Prospecting Study About Control System and Acceleration in Elevators




Control, Acceleration, Elevator.


The present study shows by technology prospecting a comparative and analytical analysis of technologies that use reconfigurable architectures with control system and acceleration in order to control passengers traffic in commercial elevators, seeking to reduce users waiting time and also decrease energy consumption. For this study, research in patent database Patentscope WIPO, consults at Web of Science for scientific articles, besides a market analysis and evaluation of technology maturity were made. The patent registered by University of Brasilia, nº PI 9500121-1 was used as an object of study. There were found 662 results for patents and 113 for articles in the search for keywords, suggesting that this technology is mature, therefore new applications for this technology were suggested in order to justify the maintenance of this patent, besides a  SWOT analysis proving its weak and strong points.


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Author Biographies

Gisele Cristina Borges, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Master's student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation at Unb, is currently Project Manager at Caixa Seguradora Group; MBA in Project Management from IBMEC and Specialization in Systems Analysis from Universidade Católica de Brasília.

Ana Carolina Nerva Blumm, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Graduated in Production Engineering from the University of Brasília (UnB) in 2015 and is currently studying the PROFNIT master's degree as a special student. During graduation, he carried out research in the areas of risk management (with publication) and product innovation. He has experience in the areas of project and process management, supply and logistics management, statistical analysis of data and innovation in the health, education and entrepreneurship sectors by the companies Emplavi Realizações Imobiliárias LTDA, Nestlé LTDA and EloGroup Desenvolvimento e Consultoria. She also worked as a researcher in the area of ​​innovation at CDT/UnB in 2017. She currently works with results and performance management at SOMOS Educação.

Eduardo Henrique da Silva Figueiredo Matos, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Graduation in management in systems analysis. Acting in the coordination of the Dial Tecnologia project, the work team and the technological services nucleus - NST in the Innovation and Technology Transfer Management - GITT-CDT/UnB. Works at the Ministry of Health with the AvanSAS project and work management with a focus on mapping processes and competencies, education actions and staff dimensioning

Carolyne Caetano Gonçalves, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Bachelor of Biotechnology at the University of Brasilia

Wina Eleana Lages Pereira, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa, DF

Supervisor of the Management of Legal Affairs and Contracts of the Consultations and Opinions sector of the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa. Graduated in Law from Faculdades Integradas do Tapajós (2002), specialization in Public Law from Universidade Potiguar (2008) and specialization in Private Law from Universidade Gama Filho (2009)

Roosevelt Tomé Silva Filho, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Consultant in the area of ​​Innovation for Small Businesses, he has worked at the Permanent Forum of Micro and Small Businesses; Networks for Simplification of Business Opening and Registration ? REDESIM; Subcommittee of CNAE Subclasses; Knowledge Management of the Result Oriented Strategic Management System SIGEOR/SEBRAE, SEBRAE Competitive Intelligence for the Wine, Footwear and Clothing sector and for the APL Observatory. He was Coordinator of Macro-Regional Programs at the Ministry of National Integration, operationally coordinating the Permanent Commission for Development and Integration of the Border Strip. He has experience as National Secretary of Science and Technology for Social Inclusion, of the Ministry of Science and Technology, implementing public S&T policies for social inclusion, supporting projects of Local Productive Arrangements, Technological Extension, Assistive Technologies, Digital City and Digital Inclusion. He is a Systems Analyst and Economist specialized in project management, Knowledge Management, Competitive Intelligence and Electronic Government. Consultant at Sebrae Nacional in the area of ​​Innovation, Information Technology, Knowledge Management, Incubators and Technological Hubs, Technological Prospecting and Competitive Intelligence. Specialist in Information Systems in Science, Technology and Digital Inclusion. UNDP consultant for 15 years, with experience in the elaboration and execution of Technical Cooperation Agreements with international organizations (IDB and IBRD) and UNESCO consultant in projects of the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology ? IBICT. It also has ITIL Foundation Certification.

Adriana Regina Martin, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Bachelor's and Degree in Chemistry from UFSCar, Master's and Doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering from UFSCar, Sandwich Doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison/USA with Fulbright Scholarship, Post-Doctorate in Technological Innovation from UFSCar, Postgraduate in Policy and Strategy from ADESG , She was a professor at Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz (FOC) and Faculdades Nove de Julho (Uninove) teaching subjects related to Polymers and Chemistry and at the University of Santo Amaro (Unisa) and at the Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (FESPSP) teaching Management-related disciplines. She was a Visiting Professor at Unicamp, teaching the discipline Technological Innovation for the Engineering and Management courses. He was Product Development and Technical Assistance Manager for Latin America in the multinational companies, Huntsman Química Brasil and Mash Plásticos, he worked in RD&I at Startup Orbys and at the BRF company he served on the RD&I board, being responsible for managing the portfolio of RD&I projects, for prospecting and management of RD&I projects in partnership with ICTs, through technology transfer and fundraising for the development of RD&I projects with Embrapii, BNDES, FINEP, CNPq. He worked at CLAEQ-Pieracciani Consultoria de Inovação helping companies to raise financial resources for the development of RD&I projects, to use tax incentives (Lei do Bem) and also to develop projects through Open Innovation. She is currently a Visiting Professor at UnB in the area of ​​Innovation Management at Dep. of Production Engineering and Technological Business Manager at CDT/UnB. She is an ad hoc consultant for the following institutions: CNPq - in the evaluation committee of the RHAE Program - Researcher in the Company and in the evaluation committee of Productivity in Technological Development and Innovative Extension - DT Grant; MCTIC - in the Technical Assistance Committee for the Transversal Sectors (CAT-TRANSVERSAL) - Lei do Bem; FAPESP - in the Small Business Innovation Program committee; SENAI - in the evaluation committee of the Public Notice for Innovation in Industry; EMBRAPA - in the Technical Committee of Macroprograma 1 and MACKPESQUISA - in the committee of the Mackenzie Research Fund of Universidade Mackenzie/SP


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How to Cite

Borges, G. C., Blumm, A. C. N., Matos, E. H. da S. F., Gonçalves, C. C., Pereira, W. E. L. ., Silva Filho, R. T., Nascimento, P. G. B. D., & Martin, A. R. (2019). Prospecting Study About Control System and Acceleration in Elevators. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(3), 602.



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