Technological Mapping of Canabidiol (CBD) for Pharmaceutical Purposes in Brazil




Technological Mapping, Canabidiol, Innovation.


The use of Cannabis Sativa derivatives as an input generator of innovations in the pharmaceutical industry has been increasing in recent years, as a result of the discovery of the usefulness of its components in medical uses and the destigmatization of its size in several countries. One of the active principles of Cannabis is Canabidiol (CBD), which has therapeutic potential for use in anxiety, epilepsy, convulsion, treatment for sleep disorder, and contains anti-inflammatory properties. This work aims to carry out a technological mapping of Canabidiol in Brazilian territory, through analysis of patent application processes, taking into account the specific results of processes related to pharmaceutical purposes (classification A61K) and emphasizing the main depositors that invest in innovation in using the chemical found in Cannabis Sativa. An international scenario comparison was also made for this drug. As a result it was identified that foreign countries are the only depositors in the INPI of processes related to pharmaceutical purposes using cannabidiol.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E. H. A. de, Sorgato, J. P. A., Silva, R. C., Martins, P. K. da S., Uchôa, S. B. B., & Tonholo, J. (2018). Technological Mapping of Canabidiol (CBD) for Pharmaceutical Purposes in Brazil. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(3), 900.



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