Technology Roadmap of the Biomethanation of Straw




Technology Roadmap, Biogas, Straw.


A technology roadmap for straw biomethanization was developed with the objective of visually presenting the state of the art of this sector in the international environment and so that it can be used to explore the dynamics of emerging technologies, assisting in the identification, selection and development of technologies to satisfy this market. We highlight some results obtained through the roadmap analysis, such as the relevance of the Chinese players, which pointed to China's large investment in RD&I in this market compared to the rest of the world, and the determination of the main technologies for pre-treatment of the straw, crucial for the viability of the process. The roadmap has been able to track strategic short, medium and long-term movements in this sector by multinational companies that are not currently known for biogas production, such as Novozymes, Shell and Texaco.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Cardoso, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

PhD student in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering at the School of Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Master in Chemical and Biochemical Process Technology at the School of Chemistry at UFRJ and Chemical Engineer at UFRJ. My main areas of interest and work involve technological prospecting tools, especially the elaboration of technological roadmaps, biogas production and waste management.

Suzana Borschiver, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Chemical Engineering and Degree in Chemistry, Master's and Doctorate in Chemical Engineering in the area of ​​Management and Technological Innovation. 2 Business Post-Doctoral Projects. Associate Professor at EQ at UFRJ and coordinator of NEITEC (Industrial and Technological Studies Center He works at undergraduate and graduate levels as a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Technology in Chemical and Biochemical Processes, in the Professional Master's in Petrochemistry, in Environmental Engineering, with Escola Politécnica/UFRJ and in the Professional Master's in Management, Research and Development at Pharmaceutical Industry, at Fiocruz. Professor and Coordinator of the Technological Prospecting course at Profnit (Postgraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation). Member of the ABIQUIM Technology Commission, the IBP Petrochemical Commission and the ABEQ Advisory Board.


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How to Cite

Cardoso, F., & Borschiver, S. (2018). Technology Roadmap of the Biomethanation of Straw. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(5), 1596.