Technological Prospect of Internet Solutions of the Things Applied to the Control of Automotive Traffic in Cruzamentos
Prospecting, Internet of Things, Automotive Traffic.Abstract
The technological rise of new technologies creates new inventive possibilities through the combination of recent technologies with traditional, as is the case of IoT solutions, internet of things, applied to automotive traffic. This work has as objective to carry out the technological prospection of inventions that used the internet of things in applications directed to the control of the automotive traffic in crossings. A bibliographic and patent review was carried out, resulting in the evaluation of 397 applications for patent deposits and 61 scientific articles. In Brazil, no patent records or scientific articles were found, suggesting little investment in the subject. Most of the deposits were made by companies, and are located in China and the United States, suggesting a strong interest in the international market. Therefore, the present study contributed with the presentation of the technological and marketing panorama of IoT solutions for the automotive traffic in crossings and for diffusion of the theme in the national scenario.
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