The Development of Tourism and The Insertion of Technologies: a prospective study




Tourism, Technology, Prospection.


This work makes a survey of the technologies applied to tourism, especially about systems and methods of data processing. It seeks to gather information that may contribute to the Tourism Development Plan in Brazil, specifically for the 'investment in innovation' guideline. An assessment of the technological intelligence is made through a search in national and internationals patent bases, as well as a literature review in citation databases. The main contribution of this work is related to the identification of the behavior of technology and stages of technological maturity, in addition to the themes and specificities of scientific studies, patents, and software registrations. The results show different levels among the countries, notably the advantageous position of the Asian countries in this technology. Furthermore, the results evidence that challenge for Brazil is to broaden the discussion and to refine the strategies to direct efforts towards technological trends.


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How to Cite

Amaral, A. de G. L., Uchoa, S. B. B., Santos, J. P. L., Santos, K. S. dos, & Araújo, Y. C. T. de. (2018). The Development of Tourism and The Insertion of Technologies: a prospective study. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(3), 770.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento