Prospective Study on the Process of Extraction of Agricultural Waste Grain Material With Simultaneous Biodiesel Production




Cellulose, Nanocellulose, Catalysis.


Cellulose is the most abundant biomass constituent in the world and is composed of biopolymers of glucose. A prospective study on cellulose with an emphasis on nanocellulose and catalysis is presented from two perspectives: technological indicators based on patent documents and indexed scientific articles. A total of 190615 patent documents related to pulp were found, of which 47.6% is comprised in the period 2012-2016, mostly deposited by China and the United States. In order to add value to cellulose, nano-cellulose has been prominent in the areas of chemistry and materials in recent years. Among the subdomains, the nanocellulose applied to catalysis still presents low technological maturity and it has shown the indicators of this low profile and establishes use perspectives.


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How to Cite

Ghesti, G. F., Guimarães, M. G., Evaristo, R. B. W., Macedo, J. L. de, & Nascimento, P. G. B. D. (2019). Prospective Study on the Process of Extraction of Agricultural Waste Grain Material With Simultaneous Biodiesel Production. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(3), 576.



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