Tin Whiskers Prospective Investigation





Whiskers , Tin , Prospection.


Whiskers are small filaments that grow on the surface of tin when it is deposited (or electrodeposited) on a metal, usually copper. These whiskers can cause breaches in equipment such as high-tech medical equipment, military equipment, satellites, etc. In this context, this paper aims to prospect and quantify the technological and scientific information about tin whiskers. In the scientific exploration, the database of the Portal of Periodicals of CAPES was used. Technological prospecting took place through searches at INPI, WIPO, THE LENS, Espacenet and USPTO databases. A total of 239 published academic papers and 112 pantent deposits for tin whiskers were recovered. There is an evident prevalence of companies as patents holders and the preferable use od with C25, H01 and H05 IPC´ classifications, which is very compatible with the race to mitigate whiskers’ expensive impacts.


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Author Biography

Jaceguai Soares da Silva, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, AL, Brazil.

Doctoral student (in conclusion phase), Master of Science (Sub-area: Physical Chemistry), Specialist in Environmental Management and Graduate in Chemistry (Bachelor).


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How to Cite

Silva, J. S. da, Barbosa, A. F., Silva, C. B. da, Alves, G. F. dos S., Silva, K. B. da, Melo, A. M. B., Zanta, C. L. de P. e S., & Tonholo, J. (2018). Tin Whiskers Prospective Investigation. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(2), 653. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v11i2.23423



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