Exploratory Prospection of Patents of Solar Collectors Used for Water Heating as a Measurement of Energy Efficiency





Technological Prospecting, Solar Collector, Energy Efficiency.


The growing demand for electric power in the world and in Brazil by the residential sector defines the consumer as one of the main agents of control of the consumption of electric energy. The replacement of electric showers by solar water heating systems, whose main component is the solar collector, is already a legal obligation in many countries and constitutes an important measure of energy efficiency. Brazil has a high solar radiation index and could use this technology widely. However, there are few patents deposited in Brazil in this topic, which signals as an opportunity to develop research and innovation of this technology in the country. China, Germany, Korea and the United States are the countries with the highest number of patents deposited in the last 20 years, indicating the dominance of technology in these countries. Therefore, the technological prospecting of solar collector patents in Brazil and worldwide has pointed to the need for changes in the incentive policies and legislation in Brazil about the efficient use of electric energy by residential consumers.


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How to Cite

Abreu, M. V. de A., & Abreu, E. R. F. (2018). Exploratory Prospection of Patents of Solar Collectors Used for Water Heating as a Measurement of Energy Efficiency. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(5), 1752. https://doi.org/10.9771/cp.v11i5.23261