The principle of delicacy in Ana Martins Marques' poetry



Ana Martins Marques is among the poets that compose the contemporary Brazilian literary scene. With a poetry of a strongly pictorial nature, the poet often thematizes everyday life, seeking to point out what can be beautiful, memorable. This article aims to investigate the principle of delicacy, outlined by Roland Barthes, in Ana Martins Marques’ poetry, in relation with what could be called a poetics of the sensitive and the everyday. With this, the poet proposes new perspectives around the things that make up daily life. The principle of delicacy aims at the pleasure of detail, being able to appeal to the five physical senses and, thus, opening itself to the thought on perception and sensoriality. The discussion carried out here is based on the analysis of some poems by Marques, in which the traits of the aesthetics addressed by Barthes are pointed out. Thus, this work proposes to collaborate with debates about how everyday life appears in the literary work under study.


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Author Biography

Pablo Garcia , Unicamp

Bacharel em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Atualmente cursa mestrado em Teoria e História Literária no Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.



How to Cite

Garcia , P. (2023). The principle of delicacy in Ana Martins Marques’ poetry. Inventário, (31), 55–70. Retrieved from


