



biofuel, ethanol, sugar cane, sugar, Bahia


In a climate change scenario, economic segments such as the sugar energy sector, which have the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and sequester it from the atmosphere, become key components. In Brazil, over time, different locational patterns of sugarcane establishments have contributed to the increased supply of derivative products: sugar, ethanol, electricity, among others. Although many studies have highlighted the territorialization of the sugarcane activity, the increase in ethanol consumption, spatial transformations, productive spatial circuits, and recent dynamics of the Brazilian sugar-energy sector, there is still a need to define the importance of the location of sugar energy establishments within the sector. In this sense, the objective of this article is to analyze whether the current location of sugarcane and its derivative activities in Bahia characterizes a recent process of spatial reorganization of the Brazilian sugar-energy sector. Bahia, which had 1,510 mills in 1934, currently presents a scenario composed of only five sugar-energy establishments. The study used data from the SIDRA/IBGE system, the NovaCana portal and the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels, referring to the year 2021, related to sugarcane production, establishments, milling capacity of each agro-industrial plant, authorization, validity, and production capacity of the Sugarcane Agroindustrial Units (UAS), which were utilized in the elaboration of a sugar-energy sector map using QGIS software. The results indicated that there has been a spatial reorganization of the sugar-energy sector, with a recent change in the locational pattern of UAS in Bahia, leading to various territorial conflicts. Therefore, a focus on location associated with other factors for understanding processes within the sugar-energy sector is a conclusion of this work.


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Author Biography

John Wolter Oliveira Silva, Universidade Federal do RIo de Janeiro

Doutorando e mestre em Geografia pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia (PPGG), da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


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How to Cite

Silva, J. W. O. (2024). LOCATION OF THE BRAZILIAN SUGAR-ENERGY SECTOR: A RECENT SPATIAL REORGANIZATION?. GeoTextos, 24(2). https://doi.org/10.9771/geo.v0i2.63089