Old applications and new possibilities for the use of comparative method on geographical studies


  • Paulo Roberto Baqueiro Brandão Universidade Federal da Bahia




Geographical Studies, Research Methodology, The Comparative Method, The History of Geography, The Contemporary Age.


At present, there is extensive geographical research and publication focusing on the comparison among metropolises, mid-size cities, agricultural zones, and conservation units. In many cases, however, that intellectual output is not preceded by any in-depth methodological discussion, in such way that comparisons are simply made between two or more similar geographical areas. Thus, this paper aims at discussing a few themes concerning the application of the comparative method in Geography. To that end, there will be three main discussion points: (a) a conceptual framework concerning the methodological approach herein, (b) a historiographical review that seeks to establish, in the history of geographical thought, the moments in which the comparative perspective was a concern among science writers; and, at last, (c) an exploratory analysis about the adequacy of using the comparative approach in contemporary geography, taking into consideration the relative complexity of building local technical scientific informational databases. Therefore, the need to understand the relation between the creation of similarity spaces, which are generated within a global logic, and spaces of difference, which result from a local effort to preserve unique characteristics, suggests that the comparative method may play a key role in geographical studies.


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Author Biography

Paulo Roberto Baqueiro Brandão, Universidade Federal da Bahia



How to Cite

Brandão, P. R. B. (2012). Old applications and new possibilities for the use of comparative method on geographical studies. GeoTextos, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.9771/1984-5537geo.v8i1.5555


