Spatial Analysis, Remote Sensing, Vegetation, Phytogeography, FloristicAbstract
This study aimed to evaluate the current distribution pattern of Caatinga dense by identifying where its largest fragments are through cartographic and statistical procedures in the municipality of Caicó-RN. From NDVI, the mapping of the vegetation cover was generated and, then, three intervals of altimetric dimensions were delimited, making it possible to draw a gradual profile. The fragments of Caatinga densa in the different levels were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test establishing a significance of 5% (p <0.05), aiming to identify if there is a significant difference between the sizes of these fragments. Finally, with the help of specialized bibliography and field trips, a floristic survey was also carried out to characterize the different levels sampled. As a result, As a result, at the lowest elevation level, 5,169.54ha was obtained, with the average elevation, 2,850.20ha and 1,753.08ha for the highest altimetry. In proportional terms in relation to the total area of each quota, it was precisely the latter that presented the largest area occupied by dense vegetation. A significant difference was identified between this level and the first one, due to the sizes of th fragments. With regard to flora, the most selective species are in the upper levels, with the exception of areas of riparian forest at the lowest altimetry where generalist species predominate. In this work, it was statistically proven that the dense Caatinga is very restricted to the margins of water bodies and massifs, presenting a gradual increase in altimetric terms.
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