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This paper proposes to discuss the existing possibilities in playful activities present in the theatrical language, contributing to the process of the continuing formation of teachers. From the qualitative perspective, this text is the result of bibliographic research in both drama and educational fields. It has the objective to perform theoretical and investigative reflections around the ludic experience, which emerges from a creative process with the theatrical improvisation and potential possibilities of continuing formation for the individuals engaged in such process. The theatrical and dramatic game will be taken into account here as the main dialogue vectors among these two areas. Synthetically, to this end, we´ll bring the ludic notion attitude in the adult, putting this one as an extension of the children´s spontaneous game, despite the children´s being characterized by some differentiation. We´ll approach the theatrical and dramatic game, allied to the improvisation processes in drama as great experience possibilities, in which the playfulness emerges, allowing the individuals to build imaginative significations and new codes that could be customized as fresh studies and possible renovations of the teacher´s identity. For that matter, this paper suggests a creative space for the theatrical game as a tool for the teacher´s critical formation and reflection both professionally and personally.


Key-Words: playfulness, theatrical game, teacher training.


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Author Biography

Emanoel Nogueira Ramos, UNEB (Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Licenciado em Teatro (UFBA), Licenciado em Pedagogia (UNINTER), Mestre em Educação (PARIS 8). Arte-educador desde 2000, atualmente professor de Artes no Estado do Mato Grosso.




How to Cite

Ramos, E. N. (2022). PORTUGUES. Revista Entreideias: Educação, Cultura E Sociedade, 11(1).



Nº temático: Pedagogias o presente: Como nos tornamos o que somos? (finalizado)