Tecnologia educativa; Validação; Violência; Mulher; Rede de apoioAbstract
Violence against women is a serious social problem considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a serious public health problem. Objective: To validate the content of an educational technology on the care network for women in situations of violence. Method: conceptual review of educational technologies, followed by evaluation by expert judges. Results: the booklet was evaluated positively, consisting of the parts on the types of violence and the path to be taken in the support network, the objective of the educational material the ICV was 0.33; structure and presentation 0.66 the lowest IVC obtained was 0.25 for relevance of the Guide, being adequate according to the judges' suggestions. The target audience's rate of agreement with the educational technology was 100%, except for the appearance and motivation category, which was 75%. Final considerations: the validated educational technology is feasible and understandable, helping to tackle and overcome violence.
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