
  • Paulo Victor Purificação Melo




Facial recognition, Algorithmic racism, Civil society, Brazil


How can resist and oppose the adoption of a technology that has been widely used and defended by public managers as essential to collective security? This concern was the basis for the development of this article, which analyses the mobilization actions carried out by three Brazilian civil society groups claiming for a ban on the use of facial recognition: ‘Tire Meu Rosto Da Sua Mira,’ ‘#SaiDaMinhaCara,’ and ‘Sem Câmera na Minha Cara.’ Through documentary research, analysis of communication and mobilization activities, and semi-structured interviews with members of these three coalitions, it is concluded that there are a) several common strategies and actions; b) ongoing dialogue between the initiatives, which enhances collaborative work; and c) a focus on mobilization in the digital realm. It can also be asserted that the expansion of activities beyond the digital sphere, through partnerships with territorial entities, presents both a challenge and an opportunity for broadening the dialogue with diverse audiences.


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