


Platform work, narrative, public opinion


This article, based on the presentation at the Communication and Work Research Group, at the 46th Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences, in 2023, problematizes how the construction of narratives around platform work impacts the formation of public opinion and well-being workers’ social. The text raises the reflection on the rhetoric around digital labor and the implications of the sociotechnical arrangements used by companies,
which emerge with a discursive guise of disruption, autonomy, and entrepreneurship, but reveal themselves as a way of sustaining control, cost cutting, and precariousness of work. Through a methodology based on bibliographic research, it brings, additionally and intentionally, as a matter of illustration, examples of content from Brazilian platform companies as a way to soften the negative discourses around their businesses. The discussion is dedicated to the use of narrative in order to legitimize the supremacy of capital over labor, which influences the formation of public opinion.


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Author Biographies

Maria Cristina Maiello, University of São Paulo/Master in arts' student

Cristina Maiello is a master's student in Public Relations, in the Communication: Interfaces and Institutionalities research line, of the Graduate Program in Communication Sciences (PPGCOM), of the School of Communications and Arts (ECA), of the University of São Paulo (USP). She holds a specialization in Integrated Management of Digital Communication (lato sensu), taught by the Department of Public Relations, Advertising and Tourism of ECA-USP (concluded in 2020). She graduated in Social Communication with a major in Radio and TV from ECA-USP (1984), and in Journalism from Faculdade Cásper Líbero (1987). She has been working in Corporate Communication for over 20 years. She is currently a partner and director of the communication agency Fato Relevante, with a focus on lectures, narratives, reputation, spokesperson training, and crisis programs. She was vice president of the communication agency Kreab Gavin Anderson (current Llorente & Cuenca) and director of other communication agencies such as In Press Porter-Novelli and Imagem Corporativa. She has received several awards, such as the Aberje São Paulo Award for her work on Integrated Communication for Klabin, related to crisis prevention in the construction of a factory in Paraná, and the 26th Public Opinion Award from Conrerp for the work developed by Basf in partnership with the Imagem Corporativa agency. She also has the Hall of Fame Palladium (Volkswagen) and I-Best - Público awards for the female website Obsidiana. As a journalist, she worked for vehicles such as Folha de S. Paulo and Jornal da Tarde, was a reporter and editor at magazines published by Editora Abril, collaborated with the magazines Veja and Exame, and was the founder of the first Brazilian women's portal Obsidiana.

Luiz Alberto de Farias, University of São Paulo/Undergraduate and graduate professor

Consulte os detalhes           572 / 5.000   Resultados de tradução Full Professor at ECA-USP, post-doctorate degree in Communication from the University of Málaga/Spain, PhD in Communication and Culture (Prolam/USP), Master in Communication and Market, specialist in Communication Theory and graduate in Public Relations (Casper Líbero), graduated in Journalism (Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul). Visiting professor at the University of Malaga and Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). He was academic director of the Anhembi Morumbi University. He is a  full Professor at ECA-USP and works in the Stricto Sensu graduate program in Communication Sciences.

Carolina Frazon Terra, Cásper Líbero University/professor and University of S.Paulo/graduation professor

Carolina Frazon Terra is the lead researcher of the Influcom research group at Faculdade Cásper Líbero and a member of the Com+|Eca-USP research group. She is a post-doctoral, doctoral, master's, and specialist graduate of ECA-USP. She holds a degree in Social Communication/PR from UNESP/Bauru. She has worked for companies such as FIAT, Vivo, MercadoLivre, Agência Ideal, Garoto, and Nestlé. Currently, she is a consultant in social media and digital PR, a professor in the master's and undergraduate programs at Faculdade Cásper Líbero, and in postgraduate programs at USP. She is the author of several books, including Digital Influencing Brands, Byung Chul-Han and Hypercommunication, Organizational Communication: practices, challenges and digital perspectives, Corporate Blogs and Social Media and now?. Author of the REATIVA methodology for digital corporate influence ( and editor of the blog Rpalavreando (


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