


Arrastão do Pavulagem, Digital Social Networks, Entertainment


This article seeks to address how communication practices crossed the cultural event Arrastão do Pavulagem, during the years 2020 and 2021 (the period of greatest intensity of the covid-19 pandemic), and the subjects involved in its preparation and execution, through the practices
of sociability that permeate the processions that constitute the event. The work seeks to understand how it was possible, on the part of these subjects, to be together during digital
events held in the online environment, at a time when this environment was the only one considered safe for the establishment of exchanges and communication practices between
subjects; and what feelings and sensations were triggered in the subjectivity of each one, from the communication practices. The contributions of the postulates of França (2008), about communication practices as interactions between subjects; Simmel (1983), about
sociability practices; Maffesoli (1998; 2016), about the experience and sharing of affections; and Halbwachs (2013), about collective memory will be evoked. As results, one can mention
that the communication processes of the subjects involved in the Arrastão do Pavulagem suffered changes with the removal of the parades from the streets of downtown Belém:
social networking sites, such as the Facebook page and the YouTube video platform of the Arraial do Pavulagem became the stage of the encounters, from the expressive occurrence of interactions and sharing among the users present in the digital social network.


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Author Biographies

Manuela do Corral Vieira, Universidade Federal do Pará

PhD in Anthropology and professor at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). He coordinates the Material Culture, Consumption and Sociability Practices Research Project - version II and is leader of the Communication, Consumption and Identity Research Group.

Lucas Gil Corrêa dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Pará

Master in Communication Sciences by the Graduate Program in Communication, Culture and Amazonia of the Federal University of Pará (PPGCOM/UFPA). Member of the research project Material Culture, Consumption and Sociability Practices - version II and of the research group Communication, Consumption and Identity.


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