


Discourse Analysis, Big Brother Brazil, Gender, Theories of Journalism, Transsexuality


This article starts from a concern about the changes in the discourse regarding the two
transsexual participants in the history of the reality show Big Brother Brasil, Ariadna
Arantes, in 2011, and Linn da Quebrada, in 2022. Considering the eleven years of difference
between the participations, we sought to understand whether there was a change in
the meaning effects used to report their participation based on the analysis of news
from G1. Starting from a theoretical discussion on theories of journalism and with the
framework of French Discourse Analysis, we will analyze the articles published during the month of January 2011 and 2022, when Rede Globo starts publicizing the cast of the program. We seek to diagnose the emergence of a new perspective at transsexual gender identities in the press.


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Author Biographies

Dandara Oliveira Lima, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Master's Researcher at the Graduate Program in Communication at the University of Brasília (PPGCOM-UnB), with a research grant from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Is a member of the Research Group "Madalenas in Action: feminist and gender studies in communication". She is a specialist in Digital Marketing from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and a journalist graduated from Faculdade de Comunicação (FAC/UnB). She is currently a Special Advisor at the Ministry of Women of Brazil, member of the Ministry of Justice's Observatory on Violence Against Journalists and volunteer communication coordinator for the Todaz na Política Project. Research gender, hate speech, misinformation and social media.

Liliane Maria Macedo Machado, University of Brasília

PhD in History (University of Brasília, 2006) and post-doctorate in communication (Federal University of Goiás, 2022). Since August 2011, has been a professor at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Brasília, currently as an associate 1. As a researcher at the Graduate Program at the Faculty of Communication at UnB, she supervises master's, doctoral and post-doc work; develops studies concerning the following themes: communication and feminist and gender studies, communication and citizenship, legislation and regulation in communication, in addition to coordinating the research group Madalenas in Action: feminist and gender studies in communication. In graduation, he teaches the disciplines of Legislation and Right to Communication and Theory of Journalism.

Aline Czezacki Kravutschke, University of Brasília

Master's Researcher at the Graduate Program in Communication at the University of Brasília (PPGCOM-UnB). Member of the Research Group "Madalenas in Action: feminist and gender studies in communication". Specialist in Communication and Health at Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz/2021). Journalist graduated from the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG/2016). Communications Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).


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