Enteroparasitosis and sexually transmitted infections in a rural community in the Lower South of Bahia

um Relato de Experiência





Intestinal Parasites, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Rural Population, Social Vulnerability


Introduction: Both intestinal parasites and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are public health problems in the world, whose relationship with social vulnerability is evident. Objective: To report the experience in field activities by postgraduate students at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in the Rural Community (RC) of Camamu-Bahia. Method: This is a descriptive study, type of experience, about the process of territorial recognition and health education about STIs and enteroparasitosis in RC. Results: Residents stood out for the hospitality/receptivity to perform the work. The community is geographically covered by area of Atlantic Forest vegetation, cut by a river and dam. All participants did not have treated and piped water, sewage and paving system and some did not have a bathroom at home. The results of the exams performed and the delivery of medicines to those with positive parasitological were delivered on the next visit, with the help of Family Health Strategy (FHS) professionals. As for STIs, treatment and follow-up were performed by the FHS. Guidelines on the prevention of parasitic and IST infections were offered, as well as basic information on diagnosis and usual treatments through workshops, pamphlets, banners and playful health education videos, by the project's multidisciplinary team. Approximately 90% of residents joined these activities. Conclusion: RC residents live in social vulnerability and require investments in public health policies that include improvements in health education, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of infected.


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How to Cite

Barreto, N. M. P. V., Almeida Costa Araujo, W. ., Oliveira, C. de L. ., Souza, J. N. de ., Teixeira, M. C. A. ., & Soares, N. M. . (2024). Enteroparasitosis and sexually transmitted infections in a rural community in the Lower South of Bahia: um Relato de Experiência. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 23(1), 52–61. https://doi.org/10.9771/cmbio.v23i1.53092

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