Bucal manifestations of penphygus vulgaris
Phemphigus, oral manifestations, immune-supressionAbstract
In spite of its unknown ethiology, there are important indications that phemphigus may be directly related to the immunesystem. Considered by many authors as an auto-immune disease, it may occur in any of its five subtypes which present with similar features. However differential diagnosis among these forms may be done based on specific characteristics typical of each subtype. This entity is significantly important to dentists once its earliest manifestations most commonly occur in oral cavity and only some time later systemic signs and symptoms manifest. The subtypes of this disease are: pemphigus vulgaris (PU), pemphigus foliaceus (PF), paraneoplasic pemphigus (PUP), pemphicoid cicatritial (PC) and benign familial pemphigus pemphigoid. Is a hereditary rare disease with an autossomic dominant pattern without any relation with treatment for (penfigo vulgar) is based on suppression of immunologic activity using corticosteroids or non hormonal immunossupressive. This pathology affects more frequently adults, especially elderly. Nevertheless, literature refers rare occurance in children and adolescents. Besides that, there’s no apparent correlation between this disease and gender. Early diagnosis is necessary in order to avoid poor clinical evolution of patients without specific treatment. Even though Phemphigus not a frequent disease, it is a relevant topic, such condition may lead to death if not correctly treated. It’s essential that dentists, in their daily practice, know the measures that should be taken to deal with patients who present with recurrent erosive lesions aiming to consider the possibility of phemphigus.Downloads
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How to Cite
Araújo, D. B., Simões, C. C., & Araújo, R. P. C. de. (2006). Bucal manifestations of penphygus vulgaris. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 5(2), 181–187. https://doi.org/10.9771/cmbio.v5i2.4126
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