Gender, non-binarity and coloniality

a decolonial reflection




This work is part of a master's research, which aims to analyze gender, masculinities and Brazilian legal provisions aimed at male perpetrators of domestic violence, from a decolonial reading. Here, understandings about gender constructed from the bibliographic review are exposed, with emphasis on non-binarity, based on decolonial perspectives, with the concept of gender coloniality. The categories of race and gender are understood as constructions of colonial domination, placed over apparent physical differences, as human bodies are plural and diverse. Even though gender diversity was widely observed prior to colonization, the colonial project, by failing to annihilate this plurality, also produced categories to account for these existences that were beyond their control. These constructs aim to reproduce a European way of being, transforming the lives of colonized peoples with racial and gender oppression, which remains until today.


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Author Biographies

Fabiane Kravutschke Bogdanovicz, Unicentro

Master's student in the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Community Development at the State University of Central-West Paraná (Unicentro).

Kátia Alexsandra dos Santos, Unicentro

PhD in Psychology from the University of São Paulo (USP).



How to Cite

Kravutschke Bogdanovicz, F., & dos Santos, K. A. (2024). Gender, non-binarity and coloniality: a decolonial reflection. Revista Periódicus, 1(20), 106–120.