The body and the ‘metreo’

between the ‘happy little box’ and the ‘putivagón’ in Mexico City




In the city, the relationship between the body and the place is the producer of the space (always in the process of becoming) of the emerging realities imbricated in everyday life. In the great Mexico City, the subway is the preferred public transportation for thousands of people. From the ethnographic work carried out between the ‘cajita feliz’ and the last car, also called ‘putivagón’, it was possible to identify the place of the body and of the bodies of men in the process of appropriation of the urban public space of the subway. The body as a binding agent of sexuality and homoeroticism, of continuity between human and machine flesh, of intersection of the subjective, social and cultural order, is the substantial element for the construction of complicity pacts between men from the emergent and abject in the couplings of the cyborg in the practice of ‘metreo’.


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Author Biography

Jose Octavio Hernandez-Sancen, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla (UPO)

Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales.

Maestro en Psicología de la Intervención Social y Comunitaria

Maestro en Psicología social de Grupos e Instituciones

Licenciado en Psicología

Especialista en Violencias Machistas



How to Cite

Hernandez-Sancen, J. O. (2023). The body and the ‘metreo’: between the ‘happy little box’ and the ‘putivagón’ in Mexico City. Revista Periódicus, 1(18), 74–80.