“Gender detransition” as transit and wandering

opening to new corporealities


  • Carolina Franco Brito Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Maria Juracy Filgueiras Toneli Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9311-5020
  • João Manuel de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2793-2946




This article has as its central theme the processes that have been called “gender detransition”. For its realization, six videos were used in the digital platform of Youtube, in which two of them are self-reports of the personal experiences of the processes of “detransition” and four of interviews also on this theme. These materials were discussed using the method of Foucault's Discourse Analysis. Our debates revolved around some main points, involving certain issues internal to the trans* field, such as the dispute over the political subject. In addition, we approached other points, such as gender norms and their subversion movements, and we sought to map the studies on “gender detransition” in Brazil, bringing to the discussion also an American author. Our proposal is to think about gender in its transits, understanding certain processes as movements of body wandering.


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Author Biographies

Maria Juracy Filgueiras Toneli, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Maria Juracy Filgueiras Toneli – Psicóloga (UFMG), mestre em Educação (UFSC), doutora em Psicologia (USP), pós-doutora (UFMG e UMinho/PT), professora titular do Departamento de Psicologia da UFSC, onde leciona e orienta na pós-graduação (PPGP), pesquisadora 1A do CNPq, co-fundadora do Núcleo Margens: Modos de vida, família e relações de gênero (PSI/UFSC), conselheira do CFP (Conselho Federal de Psicologia – 2020-2022).

João Manuel de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

João Manuel de Oliveira. Professor Visitante Associado na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
(UFSC), Florianópolis, Brasil. Trabalha no campo de Estudos de Género, Estudos Críticos de
Sexualidade, Teoria Feminista e Teoria Queer. Doutor em Psicologia Social. Investigador do Centro de
Investigação e Intervenção Social do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal.



How to Cite

Brito, C. F., Juracy Filgueiras Toneli, M. ., & Manuel de Oliveira, J. (2022). “Gender detransition” as transit and wandering: opening to new corporealities. Revista Periódicus, 1(17), 232–256. https://doi.org/10.9771/peri.v1i17.45627