Respect but… an episode of the broadcasting of prejudice against sexual diversity through humor:

deconstruction of a hidden LGBTphobic argument


  • Kleber Santos Chaves Univerisdade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (Mestrando)Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado da Bahia (Professor regente)



Abstract: The present essay originates from the hearing of a speech LGBTphobic disseminated by a program of a radio station in Livramento de Nossa Senhora, in the interior of Bahia. In the text, whose aprioristic objective was to warn by instruction the diffusers of the episode of prejudice, I rescue the history of implementation and regulation of the radio and its principles in Brazil. In addition, I present statistical surveys that indicate the audience that the vehicle reaches in the country even in our days, emphasizing the impact that the broadcast information has on the interior cities. These actions aimed to introduce the process of analysis, characterization and deconstruction of the speech of the broadcaster's speaker. This methodology allowed me to classify the episode as an LGBTfóbico character, although veiled and disguised by the humor feature. They theoretically support the core of analytical processes a literature review in various authors who discuss prejudice, LGBTphobia, and the use of humor as an instrument of discrimination.

Keywords: Broadcasting of prejudice. Veiled LGBTphobia. Humor.


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Author Biography

Kleber Santos Chaves, Univerisdade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (Mestrando)Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado da Bahia (Professor regente)

Licenciado em Filosofia. Especialista em Interdisciplinar em Estudos Sociais e Humanidades (UNEB). Mestrando no Programa de Pós Graduação em Ensino da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (PPGEn/UESB). Atua como professor regente de Filosofia na rede de Educação básica do Estado da Bahia (SEC/BA). Integra o grupo de pesquisa Currículo, gênero e relações étnico-raciais (UESB/CNPq).



How to Cite

Santos Chaves, K. (2022). Respect but… an episode of the broadcasting of prejudice against sexual diversity through humor:: deconstruction of a hidden LGBTphobic argument. Revista Periódicus, 1(17), 176–188.