Call for papers: Dossier 22 - Self-narratives in spaces of (re)existence: arts, bodies, languages and "sudakas" dissident practices runs until June 30th


In the book ex/orbitâncias (2021), abigail Campos Leal proposes to "leave queer theory behind" in order to propose "contributions to an art cuir1 sudaka2". This reflection on the experimental practices of the self, especially on the margins of the Global South, has been bypassed by the validated institutions of knowledge production, as a rule of delimitation of what and who can produce "the truth". About this, it is important to remember that it is from the logic of models of conduct and production of knowledge that the processes responsible for characterizing everything outside these norms as minor, subaltern, marginalized, infamous (FOUCAULT, 2003; 2013), especially regarding the observance of social markers of gender, race, sexuality, hetarity, and class.

In the face of social movements struggles, in particular, the (contradictory) effects of the modes of collective constitution of struggles and affections through computerized enunciative spaces (SILVEIRA, 2020; SILVEIRA; CAMPOS, 2021), this dossier is a provocation to listen to other stories that (re)create twists in our own narratives of (re)existences. If Spinoza once asked us "what can a body do?", in this dossier, we are interested in what happens when this same question is asked by the Brazilian artist and researcher Bruna Kury, in her text "A pós-pornografia como arma contra a maquinaria da colonialidade"3 (2021) or, yet, what do black, LGBTQIPA+, women's bodies and all corporeities minoritized in their existence tell us and teach us: What do peripheral, dissident, "sudakas" languages and artistic productions tell us?

Thinking about "sudaka" spatiality, we are interested in bringing together works that contemplate the geographic, cultural, linguistic and artistic diversity of subjects, movements, groups and organizations that point to the diversity of epistemologies produced "al borde del borde"4 (Susy Shock, 2013) and that echo the productivity of dissidences in the production of (re)existences. Epistemological rebukes. Theoretical narratives. Bodies in scene. Languagens in dispute: this is the contribution we propose.

Deadline: June, 30, 2024.

Important: we advise interested parties to read the publication guidelines carefully, not to leave it to the last day or the last minute to submit (all submissions: filling in the metadata and sending the text must be made by 11:59 p.m. on June 30), and to check that the text has been uploaded correctly so that the submission does not appear as "incomplete".


FOUCAULT, Michel. A vida dos homens infames. In: FOUCAULT, Michel. Ditos e escritos, v. IV: Estratégia, poder-saber. Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária, 2003, p. 203-222.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Vigiar e punir: nascimento da prisão. 41. ed. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2013.

KURY, Bruna. A pós-pornografia como arma contra a maquinaria da colonialidade. São Paulo: FERALIVRE, 2021.

LEAL, abigail Campos. ex/orbitâncias: os caminhos da deserção de gênero. São Paulo: GLAC edições, 2021.

SHOCK SUSY. Poemario Transpirado. Buenos Aires: Nuevos Tiempos, 2013.

SILVEIRA, Juliana da. Hashtags e trending topics: a luta pelo(s) sentido(s) nos espaços enunciativos informatizados. Interletras, Grande Dourados, v. 31, n. 8, p. 1-18, 31 abr. 2020.

SILVEIRA, Juliana da; CAMPOS, Jefferson. Um corpo negro e uma cabeça de porco: (des)encontros de duas vidas que importam. Revista Crítica Cultural, Palhoça, SC, v. 16, n. 2, p. 141-150, jul./dez. 2021.

1 cuir is one of the Brazilian ways of writing the term queer as a way of thinking about queer theory from the intrinsic context of Brazil.

2 sudaka is a way of writing constructions of knowledge from a vision of southern epistemologies.

3 Translation: A post-pornography as a weapon against the machinery of coloniality

4 Translation: on the edge of the edge


Bruno Alcione Novadvorski Scheeren - Mestre em Artes (PPGArtes/UERJ). Doutorando em Artes (PPGARTES/UERJ)

Christian Gustavo de Sousa - Mestre em Poéticas Visuais (PPGAV/UFRGS). Doutorando em Artes (PPGARTES/UERJ)

Jefferson Gustavo dos Santos Campos - Doutor em Letras (PLE/UEM) / Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras (PPGML/UNIR)

Rose de Melo Rocha - Doutora em Ciências da Comunicação ECA/USP / Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação e Consumo (PPGCOM-ESPM)

Sue Gonçalves - Mestrande em Artes Visuais (PPGAV/UFRGS)