experiencias en tiempos de pandemia y postpandemia en México





This text gives an overview of some experiences that the time of pandemic and postpandemic brought to Mexican dance (2020-2022). It intends to show the response that four dance agents gave in two areas: independent spaces for dissemination, and professional
contemporary dance groups. The article is composed of three sections. The first presents an overview of Mexican dance field. The second refers briefly to the shock that the dance sector experienced due to the covid-19 pandemic and its forced migration to a virtual space. The third talks about the adaptation strategies developed in an independent theatre in Mexico City, that maintained and expanded its work, and the choreographic creations of three professional contemporary dance companies during this period. All these examples are seen since the desire of the dance artists to “poner el cuerpo” and Larrosa’s experience (2006).


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Author Biography

Margarita Tortajada Quiroz, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales Docente e investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de la Danza Cenidi Danza “José Limón” del Instituto Nacional de
Bellas Artes y Literatura, de México. Coordinadora de Danza del Colectivo Mujeres en el Arte, ComuArte.



How to Cite

Quiroz, M. T. . (2023). DANZA VIVE, LA LUCHA SIGUE: experiencias en tiempos de pandemia y postpandemia en México. DANÇA: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Dança, 8(11), 12–26. https://doi.org/10.9771/dana.v8i0.58149