CALL / THEMATIC DOSSIER (EDITION 12): Dance, audiovisual and contemporary creation: interfaces, updates and experiments



Dança Magazine Edition 12 (2023.2 - Jul/Dec) - PPGDanca/UFBA

Call for thematic dossier
Dance, audiovisual and contemporary creation: interfaces, updates and experiments

Proposal and editorial coordination of the dossier:
Prof. Dr. Joubert de Albuquerque Arrais (UFCA / UFBA)

Submission deadline:
October 13 to November 20, 2023

Topics suggested as propositions or provocations for possible dialogues with the theme of the aforementioned dossier:

1. Dance in the audiovisual pandemic context;
2. Video dance in critical update;
3. Black videodancingt and technological crossroads;
4. Dance performances in documentary cinema;
5. Expanded dance and audiovisual accessibility;
6. Dance images as danced performances;
7. Audiovisual dances and their dance critique;
8. Scriptures of dance in the hyperconnected body-image;
9. Dance imagery processes in dystopias and dissidences;
10. Performative writing with audiovisual dancing;
11. Intersectionalities in the creation between dance and video.
12. Audiovisuals in dance and popular cultures.

Other topics interrelated with the central theme of the dossier and/or among the suggested topics are welcome.